转载: ORACLE-BASE - WITH Clause : Subquery Factoring in Oracle # Setup The examples below use the following tables. 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940-- DROP TABLE EMP PURGE;-- DROP TABLE DEPT PURGE;CREATE TABLE DEPT ( DEPTNO NUMBER(2) CONSTRAINT PK_DEPT PRIMARY...

转载: PL/SQL RAISE Exceptions By Practical Examples Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the PL/SQL RAISE statement to raise a user-defined exception, internally defined exception, and reraising an exception. To raise an exception explicitly, you use the RAISE statement. The RAISE...

# python call go go 文件添加导入 import "C" go 文件在需要导出的函数上添加注释 //export run 执行构建 go build -buildmode=c-shared -o test.so test.go python 文件 使用 CDLL 导入 so CDLL('./utils/test.so').run utils/test.go 1234567891011121314package mainimport "C"//export runfunc run(n...

# Excel to Oracle **pandas.DataFrame.to_sql¶** DataFrame.to_sql(*self*, *name*, *con*, *schema=None*, *if_exists='fail'*, *index=True*, *index_label=None*, *chunksize=None*, *dtype=None*, *method=None*) Write records stored in a DataFrame to a SQL database. Databases supported by SQLAlchemy...

# Java PlaySound 播放 mp3 音乐,需要添加 mp3plugin.jar 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425package com.jbn.example.other;import javax.sound.sampled.*;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;public class PlaySound { public static void main(String ... args){ try {...

转载: Java 11 HttpClient Examples – Mkyong.com This article shows you how to use the new Java 11 HttpClient APIs to send HTTP GET/POST requests, and some frequent used examples. P.S Tested with Java 11 # 1. Synchronous Get...

# Database # Create 1create database MarketManagement; # Use 1use MarketManagement; # Table # Create If the column name includes a keyword or includes a space, enclose it in brackets, such as [Launch Date]. A primary key constraint can be located after the column definition or can be defined...

转载: 使用 Oracle 的存储过程批量插入数据 - liaoyu - 博客园 最近在工作中,需要使用生成一些测试数据用来测试项目性能,我一开始是通过使用 python 生成 SQL 再执行,但性能不理想,今天想试试使用 oracle 的存储过程来实现下,效果还不错。 # 实现相关 表结构 123456desc TMP_UPSTATE_CASEKEYName Null Type------------------- -------- ----------TMP_UPSTATE_CASEKEY NOT NULL CHAR(14)TMP_NUM_STATUS_ID NOT NULL...

# postman 123456789101112131415161718index page: GET localhost:9200/get all index: GET localhost:9200/_allcreate index: PUT localhost:9200/persondelete index: DELETE localhost:9200/personcreate data: POST localhost:9200/person/_doc/1body{ "first_name":...

历史传承的意志,时代的浪潮,人的梦想,这些都是挡不住的,只要人们继续追求自由的解答,这一切都将永不停止。 - 海贼王 # Architecture # Common Commands 命令 含义 docker pull 获取 image docker build 创建 image docker images 列出 image docker rmi 删除 image docker run 运行 container,如果本地没有会从远程仓库拉取 docker ps 列出 container docker ps -a 列出所有 container 包括停止的历史...