# ER Digram MySQL Workbench 可以生成数据表的 Entity RelationShip Digram. Menu Path: Database -> Reverse Engineer -> 选择相关 Database 生成 Model Digram. 如下是 sql_store 的 ER Digram. notes: Identifying relationships exist when the primary key of the parent entity is included in the primary key of the...

# What is the syntax: instance.method::<SomeThing>() ? This construct is called turbofish (tuna fish 金枪鱼). If you search for this statement, you will discover its definition and its usage. path::<…>, method::<…> Specifies parameters to generic type,...

SQL 进阶教程 /(日) MICK 著;吴炎昌译 # CASE 表达式 # CASE 表达式写法 12345678910-- 简单 CASE 表达式CASE sex WHEN '1' THEN '男' WHEN '2' THEN '女'ELSE '其他' END-- 搜索 CASE 表达式CASE WHEN sex = '1' THEN...

# 简化 init 你写了很多仅仅用作数据结构的类,不想写太多烦人的 __init__() 函数 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627class Structure: _fields = [] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) > len(self._fields): raise TypeError('Expected {}...

# Business Can I move this call for tomorrow? I am stuck in another call. 我可以把这个电话挪到明天吗?我被其他电话困住了。 We had an issue with the invoice. Can you please resubmit the invoice with the correct Tax type? Please confirm once corrected invoice is submitted. 我们的发票出了问题。能否重新提交正确税种的发票?提交正确的发票后,请确认。 Kindly find...

转载:Performing SQL Operations with Native Dynamic SQL # Performing SQL Operations with Native Dynamic SQL A happy and gracious flexibility … — Matthew Arnold This chapter shows you how to use native dynamic SQL (dynamic SQL for short), a PL/SQL interface that makes your programs more flexible, by...

转载: Rust: Raw string literals - rahul thakoor # r#“What is this?”# While working with Rust, you will often come across r#"something like this"# , especially when working with JSON and TOML files. It defines a raw string literal. When would you use a raw string literal and what...

转载: Beginner’s guide to Error Handling in Rust Error handling in Rust is very different if you’re coming from other languages. In languages like Java, JS, Python etc, you usually throw exceptions and return successful values. In Rust, you return something called a Result . The Result<T,...

转载:ORACLE-BASE - MERGE Statement Enhancements in Oracle Database 10g # Test Table The following examples use the table defined below. 1234CREATE TABLE test1 ASSELECT *FROM all_objectsWHERE 1=2; # Optional Clauses The MATCHED and NOT MATCHED clauses are now optional making all of the following...

转载: ORACLE-BASE - Hierarchical Queries in Oracle # Setup The following table contains hierarchical data. 123456789101112131415161718192021222324DROP TABLE tab1 PURGE;CREATE TABLE tab1 ( id NUMBER, parent_id NUMBER, CONSTRAINT tab1_pk PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT tab1_tab1_fk FOREIGN KEY (parent_id)...