转载:A Visual Intro to NumPy and Data Representation – Jay Alammar – Visualizing machine learning one concept at a time. The NumPy package is the workhorse of data analysis, machine learning, and scientific computing in the python ecosystem. It vastly simplifies manipulating and crunching vectors and...

转载: ETL 讲解(很详细!!!) - fcyh - 博客园 ETL 是将业务系统的数据经过抽取、清洗转换之后加载到数据仓库的过程,目的是将企业中的分散、零乱、标准不统一的数据整合到一起,为企业的决策提供分析依据。ETL 是 BI 项目重要的一个环节。通常情况下,在 BI 项目中 ETL 会花掉整个项目至少 1/3 的时间,ETL 设计的好坏直接关接到 BI 项目的成败。 ETL 的设计分三部分:数据抽取、数据的清洗转换、数据的加载。在设计 ETL 的时候我们也是从这三部分出发。数据的抽取是从各个不同的数据源抽取到 ODS (Operational Data Store,操作型数据存储)...

# basic operation # create, read, list, remove object 12345678910111213141516# createa <- 1b <- 2# readprint(a)print(b)# listls()# remove variables a & brm(a, b)# clear enviromentrm(list = ls()) # getwd, setwd 1234getwd()# set work...

转载: Subset Data Frame Rows in R - Datanovia # Subset Data Frame Rows in R This tutorial describes how to subset or extract data frame rows based on certain criteria. In this tutorial, you will learn the following R functions from the dplyr package: slice(): Extract rows by position filter():...

转载: Data structure - R introduction documentation R is an object-oriented language: an object in R is anything (constants, data structures, functions, graphs) that can be assigned to a variable: Data Objects: used to store real or complex numerical values, logical values or characters. These...

# Q&A Restore default R dataset after edits. rm 删除已经修改过的 R 数据集,再重新使用时就是没有更改的默认数据集。 12rm(mtcars)mtcars Could not find function “view”. R is case-sensitive, need use View. View(mtcars) Chinese print show <U+4E50><U+6ECB>. 设置 R...

# Data Status 表中的数据状态不要使用 E, S 这种简码,尽量使用 Error, Success 全称,见名知意,可以在 Package Spec 顶部定义状态相关的全局变量。 12345g_pending varchar2(100) := 'Pending';g_running varchar2(100) := 'Running';g_reject varchar2(100) := 'Reject';g_error varchar2(100) :=...

# EDI Direct PO and PO response 订单及订单回复 PO 订单 PO Response PO Change and Response 订单变更及订单 CRD Pull In 交期提前 CRD Push Out 需求日推迟 QTY Descrease 数量减少 Cancellation 订单取消 Price Change 价格变动 Item with Partial Delivery 部分交货 CRD Push Out 需求日推迟 QTY Decrease 数量减少 Cancellation for balance QTY 取消订单剩余数量 #...

# debug 12345678procedure debug(p_str in varchar2) isbegin dbms_output.put_line(p_str); --client PL/SQL output fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, p_str); --application ERP logexception when others then dbms_output.put_line('debug = ' || sqlerrm);end; # rpad &...

Question In get_item_project_code use ssc_t_edi_head then update it meanwhile will occurs the error: “ORA-04091: table YSC.SSC_T_EDI_HEAD is mutating, trigger/function may not see it”. 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748function...