CSS — background-clip vs. background-origin properties
转载:CSS — background-clip vs. background-origin properties | by Tsz | Level Up Coding
When I was learning these 2 CSS properties, I felt confused since both of them have the same set of property values and their demonstration effect looks similar. After research and investigation, here’s how I...
Change Private Key Format to Use with PuTTY
转载:Change Private Key Format to Use with PuTTY
This 10-minute tutorial shows you how to change your private key format to use with PuTTY, which is a Secure Shell (SSH) client for Windows that can connect to a remote machine. If you’re using SSH on Linux, then this tutorial isn’t for you.
Recursive Subquery Factoring Hierarchical Queries Using Recursive WITH Clauses
转载:ORACLE-BASE - Recursive Subquery Factoring : Hierarchical Queries Using Recursive WITH Clauses
This articles gives an overview of how to query hierarchical data in Oracle databases using recursive subquery factoring. This functionality was introduced in Oracle 11g Release 2, giving an...
Escaping backtick in Markdown
转载:Escaping backtick in Markdown - Growing with the Web
The backtick (also known as the grave accent or backquote) is used to start a code section in Markdown, because of this it’s a little tricky to include it without triggering the code formatting in a page. This snippet demonstrates the various...
HTTP Referer 教程
转载:HTTP Referer 教程 - 阮一峰的网络日志
HTTP 请求的头信息里面, Referer 是一个常见字段,提供访问来源的信息。
# 一、Referer 的含义
互联网也是一样,你不会无缘无故访问一个网页,总是有人告诉你,可以去那里看看。服务器也想知道,你的 "引荐人" 是谁?
Write HTML, the HTML Way (Not the XHTML Way)
转载:Write HTML, the HTML Way (Not the XHTML Way) | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
You may not use XHTML (anymore), but when you write HTML, you may be more influenced by XHTML than you think. You are very likely writing HTML, the XHTML way.
What is the XHTML way of writing HTML, and what is the HTML way of...