转载:await - JavaScript | MDN The await operator is used to wait for a Promise and get its fulfillment value. It can only be used inside an async function or a JavaScript module. # Syntax 1await expression; # Parameters expression A Promise or any value to wait for. # Return value The fulfillment...

转载:SQL Server vs. Oracle: Generate Series or List of Numbers To generate a list of numbers or series in Oracle or SQL Server, we need to use recursive CTE, if we call the CTE within the CTE then it is called recursive CTE. # SQL Server 1234567891011WITH REC_CTE(ROW_NUM) AS ( --create first record,...

转载:The “Hidden” Purple Memorial in Your Web Browser | by Victor Algaze | Medium I recently encountered a visual bug where the style I was attempting to apply to an SVG element just wasn’t working. My first instinct when debugging a tricky styling issue is to fire up Chrome Dev Tools and attempt a...

转载: [How to Remove the Last Character from a String in JavaScript - Mastering JS](https://masteringjs.io/tutorials/fundamentals/remove-last-character#:~:text=Nov 12%2C 2021-,To remove the last character from a string in JavaScript,length - 1) To remove the last character from a string in...

在 Anki 的模板中除了可以使用 HTML 之外还可以使用 JavaScript, 如下读取卡片正面的单词,为卡片背面例句出现的此单词加上 <span class="emphasize-word"></span> , 然后用 CSS 设置样式。 12345678910111213141516<script> // Anki 对 ES6 不是完全支持,使用 var 定义变量 var wordText =...

引用: How do I register a custom URL protocol in Windows? - Stack Overflow 打开注册表编辑器 regedit, 在 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT 新建项,填入你自定义的协议名称,这里填写 edi (注意名称需要小写). 在新建的 edi 项下新建字符串值,数值名称为 URL Protocol,数值数据为空。 在 edi 项按照层级依次建立 shell, open 和 command 项,然后在 command 项默认的数值名称的数据中填入要调用的命令 D:\code.bat...

12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728function get_qty_per_pallet(p_invoice_line_id in number) return number is l_return number; begin begin select distinct spm.pallet_stack_qty * spm.qty_carton_per_stack * spm.fg_item_per_carton into l_return from som_commercial_invoice_lines scl,...

There’s no need to abbreviate words just for the sake of it. 没有必要为了缩写而缩写单词。

转载:CSS — background-clip vs. background-origin properties | by Tsz | Level Up Coding When I was learning these 2 CSS properties, I felt confused since both of them have the same set of property values and their demonstration effect looks similar. After research and investigation, here’s how I...

转载:Change Private Key Format to Use with PuTTY This 10-minute tutorial shows you how to change your private key format to use with PuTTY, which is a Secure Shell (SSH) client for Windows that can connect to a remote machine. If you’re using SSH on Linux, then this tutorial isn’t for you. #...