转载:How to Get the Screen, Window, and Web Page Sizes in JavaScript To detect whether the browser window is in landscape or portrait mode, you can compare the browser window’s width and height. But from my experience it’s easy to get confused in the bunch of sizes: screen, window, web page...

转载: 7 Simple but Tricky JavaScript Interview Questions My top stressing things in software development are: The coding interview A toxic manager or teammate Not JavaScript, this , CSS, Internet Explorer, but the 2 above. If you’re qualifying as Senior Developer whose job involves JavaScript,...

转载:JavaScript Variables Lifecycle: Why let Is Not Hoisted Hoisting is the process of virtually moving the variable or function definition to the beginning of the scope, usually for variable statement var and function declaration function fun() {...} . When let (and also const and...

转载: Detailed Overview of Well-known Symbols Symbol is a new primitive type available from ECMAScript 2015, which allow to create unique identifiers let uniqueKey = Symbol('SymbolName') . You may use symbols as keys of properties in objects. A list of symbols that JavaScript treats specially...

转载: JavaScript Addition Operator in Details # Introduction JavaScript is an awesome language. I like it because of the flexibility: just do the things in a way you like: change the variable type, add methods or properties to object on the fly, use operators on different variable types and much...

转载:The Legend of JavaScript Equality Operator Sometimes when I’m writing Javascript I want to throw up my hands and say ‘this is bullshit!’ During everyday JavaScript coding, it may be hard to see how the equality operator works. Especially when the operands have different types. Time to time this...

转载:What’s the Difference between DOM Node and Element? The Document Object Model (DOM) is an interface that treats HTML or XML document as a tree structure, where each node is an object of the document. DOM also provides a set of methods to query the tree, alter the structure, style. DOM also uses...

转载:What every JavaScript developer should know about Unicode This story starts with a confession: I was afraid of Unicode for a long time. When a programming task required Unicode knowledge, I was searching for a hackable solution for the problem, without a good understanding of what I was...

# i 单词 音标 发音 please ˈpliːz var ap = new APlayer({ element: document.getElementById("aplayer-NVdCVaba"), narrow: false, autoplay: false, showlrc: false, music: { title: "please", author: "i", url: "i-please.mp3", pic: "", lrc:...