转载:How to Create Your Own Google Chrome Extension If you are a Google Chrome user, you’ve probably used some extensions in the browser. Have you ever wondered how to build one yourself? In this article, I will show you how you can create a Chrome extension from scratch. # What is a Chrome...

# How to use a CTE instead of complicated CASE expressions In the past I’ve had to write queries to convert data in a table into user-friendly display text. One way to do this is with CASE expressions. For example, let’s say you have a table with a column being a country code, and you want to add...

# 赵佶 # 宴山亭 12345678裁剪冰绡,轻叠数重,淡着燕脂匀注。新样靓妆,艳溢香融,羞杀蕊珠宫女。易得凋零,更多少、无情风雨。愁苦,问院落凄凉,几番春暮?凭寄离恨重重,者双燕何曾,会人言语?天遥地远,万水千山,知他故宫何处?怎不思量?除梦里、有时曾去。无据,和梦也新来不做。 # 钱惟演 # 木兰花 1234城上风光莺语乱,城下烟波春拍岸。绿杨芳草几时休?泪眼愁肠先已断。情怀渐觉成衰晚,鸾镜朱颜惊暗换。昔年多病厌芳尊,今日芳尊惟恐浅。 # 范仲淹 #...

# 烤火 # 上坟 思归故里闾,欲归道无因。 # 天空 斜日寒林点暮鸦。

转载:Oracle Date Functions: The Complete Guide - Database Star There are many different date and time functions in Oracle, and they behave differently than other databases. Learn what they are and see some useful queries in this article. Oracle date functions are any functions that work with date...

转载:PL/SQL Tutorial: Chapter 6 - Database Star In this chapter, we’ll learn about: Using data types based on tables and columns Understanding what collections are Using the BULK COLLECT keyword to fetch data in bulk These are all great features of the PL/SQL language and will take your code to the...

转载:Singular vs Plural and Other Database Table Naming Conventions - Database Star Are you wondering if you should name your SQL database tables in the singular form or plural form? Learn what the preferred convention is and some reasoning behind it, as well as other database table naming...

转载:The Complete Guide to Oracle REGEXP Functions - Database Star Are you confused by Oracle regular expressions? Want to know how to use them to get the information you need for your queries? Learn all about Oracle REGEXP functions in this article. # What is a Regular Expression? A regular...

转载:SQL Window Functions: The Ultimate Guide - Database Star What is an SQL window function? Why should you know about it? And what can it help you with? You may have heard of SQL window functions before, or they may be completely new to you. Learn all about them in this guide. # What is a Window...

# Median Define 统计学上,中位数(Median),又称中央值、中值,是一个样本、种群或概率分布中之一个数值,其可将数值集合划分为数量相等的上下两部分。对于有限的数集,可以通过把所有观察值高低排序后找出正中间的一个作为中位数。如果观察值有偶数个,则中位数不唯一,通常取最中间的两个数值的平均数作为中位数。 一个数集中最多有一半的数值小于中位数,也最多有一半的数值大于中位数。如果大于和小于中位数的数值个数均少于一半,那么数集中必有若干值等同于中位数。 # Data Set 123456789101112create table movie_ratings ( rating...