如果數據庫 compile 文件一致等待, form 一直 pending 可能由於其他 session lock 此時就需要 kill session # 打開 plsql, Tools -> Session # 找到 lock 的 session 右鍵 kill # 如果無法 kill session, kill session 對應的進程 (progress) 3.1 查找進程 id 1234SELECT p.program, p.spidFROM v$session s, v$process pWHERE s.paddr = p.addrAND s.sid IN...

# Get quarter date 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354/** Q1 => 11/1 ~ 1/31 Q2 => 2/1 ~ 4/30 Q3 => 5/1 ~ 7/31 Q4 => 8/1 ~ 10/31 */function get_quarter_date(p_flag in varchar2) return dateis l_return date;...

# Create Java Source 可以在 PL/SQL 中直接编译 Java 源代码 1234567create or replace and compile java source named babb aspublic class Babb{ public static String getStrMsg(String str){ return str+"\t 共有字符:"+str.length()+"个"; }} 也可以使用...

越觉得厚重的情绪越荒诞得遥远,越难于去细致地描述,便惊觉语言是多么的苍白无力。我想,这恐怕便是人类音乐与绘画等艺术诞生的起源。 # 测试数据 123456789101112create table t_a(id number);create table t_b(id number);insert into t_a values(1);insert into t_a values(2);insert into t_a values(3);insert into t_b values(1);insert into t_b values(2);insert into t_b...

Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in troubleshooting or you can ask me on GitHub. # Quick Start # Create a new post 1$ hexo new "My New Post" More info: Writing # Run...