repost: SSCC-18 Barcodes - GS1-128 INFOGS1-128 INFO # Application Identifier (AI) The AI “00” indicates the SSCC-18 data structure will follow. # Extension Digit The Extension Digit has no defined logic and is used to increase the capacity of the Serial Reference # GS1 Company Prefix GS1 Company...

repost: What is a Blob object in JavaScript? A Blob object is a versatile container for files and data. Though it stands for Binary Large Object, it is also used to contain small amounts of data. By placing files or file-like objects in a Blob, various methods become available that can be useful...

转载:SVG 图像入门教程 - 阮一峰的网络日志 # 一、概述 SVG 是一种基于 XML 语法的图像格式,全称是可缩放矢量图(Scalable Vector Graphics)。其他图像格式都是基于像素处理的,SVG 则是属于对图像的形状描述,所以它本质上是文本文件,体积较小,且不管放大多少倍都不会失真。 SVG 文件可以直接插入网页,成为 DOM 的一部分,然后用 JavaScript 和 CSS 进行操作。 1234567891011121314<!DOCTYPE...

repost: SVG filters · WebPlatform Docs # Summary This guide shows you how to build SVG image processing filters to create interesting visual effects. It shows how to apply these effects within an SVG graphic, and how to apply them to HTML content using the filter CSS property. The power of SVG...

repost: C# WPF UI Tutorials: 01 - The Basics - YouTube # Create WPF Project Execute dotnet new wpf -o WPFBasics or in WPFBasics directory execute dotnet new wpf . # Define Layout and Control in...

repost: JavaFX GUI Full Course ☕【𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙚】 - YouTube # Enviroment set up in VSCode Install Extension Pack for Java Ctrl + Shift + P input Java: Cretate Java Project and then select the project type No build tools. Download JavaFX SDK jar and add to Referenced Libraries. Run debug and config...

转载:Javascript - Creating a JS Console - 《Qt6 QML Book》 As a little example, we will create a JS console. We need an input field where the user can enter his JS expressions and ideally there should be a list of output results. As this should more look like a desktop application we use the Qt Quick...

In this chapter we will look at how you can combine Python and QML. The most natural way to combine the two worlds is to do as with C++ and QML, i.e. implement the logic in Python and the presentation in QML. To do this, we need to understand how to combine QML and Python into a single program, and...