转载: Rust for JavaScript Developers - Variables and Data Types This is the second part in a series about introducing the Rust language to JavaScript developers. Here are all the chapters: Tooling Ecosystem Overview Variables and Data Types Functions and Control Flow Pattern Matching and Enums #...

mail.js 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950const fs = require("fs");const path = require("path");const nodemailer = require("nodemailer");const ejs = require("ejs");const...

PM2 is a daemon process manager that will help you manage and keep your application online 24/7 # 命令行启动程序 pm2 start .\flask-app.py --name flask-app --log .\log\flask-app.log --time --watch –name application name –log output log path –time log with time –watch watch and restart app when...

转载: Rust for JavaScript Developers - Tooling Ecosystem Overview This is the first part in a series about introducing the Rust language to JavaScript developers. Here are all the chapters: Tooling Ecosystem Overview Variables and Data Types Functions and Control Flow Pattern Matching and Enums I...

吹くからに秋の草木のしをるれば むべ山風をあらしといふらむ — 一秋过之草木枯,是以山风以称岚。 天の海に 雲の波立ち 月の船 星の林に 漕ぎ隠る見ゆ — 长天如海云波起,繁星似林隐月舟。 ねがはくは 花の下にて 春死なむ そのきさらぎの 望月の頃 — 仰望二月月圆时,宁愿花下成新鬼。 隐约雷鸣 阴霾天空 但盼风雨来 能留你在此 隐约雷鸣 阴霾天空 即使天无雨 我亦留此地 —《万叶集》 长月黄昏后 伫立露沾身 莫问我为谁 我自待伊人 —《万叶集》 东风吹 梅香满人间 纵然无主 勿忘春来到 — 菅原道真 《拾遗和歌集》

# Run emulator by command 1cd ${ANDROID_SDK}/tools/emulator To run a certain AVD directly 1emulator -avd {AVD_NAME} To list your AVDs use 1emulator -list-avds

转载: Quick & Dirty Theme Switcher | Ugly Duck I recently added a fairly straightforward color scheme (theme) switcher to my personal website. You can toggle this simple color switcher in the footer of the site to see it in action. In case anyone else had the desire to add such functionality...

转载: 求求你,别再手工造假数据了,fake 了解一下 - FooFish-Python 之禅 项目开发初期,为了测试方便,我们总要造不少假数据到系统中,尽量模拟真实环境。 比如要创建一批用户,创建一段文本,或者是电话号码,抑或着是街道地址或者 IP 地址等等。 以前要么就是键盘一顿乱敲,随便造个什么字符串出来,当然最后谁也不认识谁。 现在你不要这样做了。 用 faker 就能满足你的一切需求。 先安装 faker 1pip install Faker 创建 faker 对象 12from faker import Fakerfake = Faker() fake...

转载:GitHub - jiyinyiyong/swift-is-like-go: Comparing Swift syntax with Go’s # BASICS # Hello World # Swift 1print("Hello, world!") # Go 1234567package mainimport "fmt"func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, world!")} #...

# 百钱百鸡 中国古代数学家张丘建在他的《算经》中提出了一个著名的 “百钱百鸡问题”: 一只公鸡值五钱,一只母鸡值三钱,三只小鸡值一钱,现在要用百钱买百鸡,请问公鸡、母鸡、小鸡各多少只? 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556package mainimport "fmt"fun one() { count := 0 for cock := 0; cock <=...