I can’t be a savior. If I save one’s life, i am required to save others. Once I fail to save everyone, the world will call me hypocritical. - Strive to live in this world
# 下载 html 并转换为...
As for those people, the truth doesn’t count, what they only care is that the accepted truth must be advantageous to them - Strive to live in this world
# doctest 文档测试
Python 内置的 “文档测试”(doctest)模块可以直接提取注释中的代码并执行测试。doctest 严格按照 Python...
# UnboundLocalError
1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829a = 1def func(): a += 1 print(a)func()# UnboundLocalError: local variable 'a' referenced before assignmentimport randomdef func(ok): if ok: a = random.random() else: import random a = random.randint(1,10) return...
转载 What is an AS2 MDN?
# Overview
An MDN is an electronic return receipt which a trading partner can optionally request during an AS2 interchange. The use of MDNs help enforce data integrity and non-repudiation in AS2. In this post, we’ll talk more about the value of issuing an AS2 MDN, what...