转载:JSONPath - XPath for JSON A frequently emphasized advantage of XML is the availability of plenty tools to analyse, transform and selectively extract data out of XML documents. XPath is one of these powerful tools. It’s time to wonder, if there is a need for something like XPath4JSON and what are...

转载:Web Components 入门实例教程 - 阮一峰的网络日志 组件是前端的发展方向,现在流行的 React 和 Vue 都是组件框架。 谷歌公司由于掌握了 Chrome 浏览器,一直在推动浏览器的原生组件,即 Web Components API。相比第三方框架,原生组件简单直接,符合直觉,不用加载任何外部模块,代码量小。目前,它还在不断发展,但已经可用于生产环境。 Web Components API 内容很多,本文不是全面的教程,只是一个简单演示,让大家看一下怎么用它开发组件。 # 自定义元素 下图是一个用户卡片。 本文演示如何把这个卡片,写成 Web Components...

Async iteration and generators - javascript.info Asynchronous iteration allow us to iterate over data that comes asynchronously, on-demand. Like, for instance, when we download something chunk-by-chunk over a network. And asynchronous generators make it even more convenient. Let’s see a simple...

转载:Generators - javascript.info Regular functions return only one, single value (or nothing). Generators can return (“yield”) multiple values, one after another, on-demand. They work great with iterables, allowing to create data streams with ease. # Generator functions To create a generator, we...

转载:window.location Cheatsheet | SamanthaMing.com Looking for a site’s URL information, then the window.location object is for you! Use its properties to get information on the current page address or use its methods to do some page redirect or refresh...

转载:A Guide to CSS counter | SamanthaMing.com Use the “counter” property to turn any element into a numbered list. Similar to how the ordered list tag works <ol> . Very useful if you’re creating a documentation site where you need to automatically number the headings or create a table...

转载: CSS Variables | SamanthaMing.com Move over Sass, we have #CSS variables! I still love Sass of course. But it’s great native CSS supports this. No need for a preprocessor & no more compiling 🥳 Global scope will allow you to access the variable everywhere. Local scope will just be within...

If you have some Rust code, you can compile it into WebAssembly (wasm). This tutorial takes you through all you need to know to compile a Rust project to wasm and use it in an existing web app. # Rust and WebAssembly use cases There are two main use cases for Rust and WebAssembly: Build an entire...

转载:Calling Java from PL/SQL # Introduction This article describes how to call a method within a Java class from a PL/SQL wrapper subprogram. It‘s aimed at those PL/SQL programmers who have no previous knowledge of Java programming (to call PL/SQL from Java see this article). The outline of what we...

# General Description New application of menu to download files in a form using Form Personalization. This is useful for users and save MIS maintain time cost because you could add in the Actions menu a list of files you can download. For example, you can add Upload Templates, Troubleshooting file...