# Button Click Counter use Web Components 1234567891011121314<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"...

转载:Using Native Fetch With AlpineJs - Witty Programming One of the most common web app patterns involves collecting data from a form and submitting it to a REST API or, the opposite, populating a form from data originating from a REST API. This pattern can easily be achieved in Alpinejs using the...

转载:Explain the First 10 Lines of Twitter’s Source Code to Me | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks For the past few weeks, I’ve been hiring for a senior full-stack JavaScript engineer at my rental furniture company, Pabio. Since we’re a remote team, we conduct our interviews on Zoom, and I’ve observed that...

# Colors # Vegetables # Fruits # Plants # Landscapes # Fish and Shellfish # Birds # Insects and Arachnids # Germs and Jewelry # Clothing

# Setup The following test table is used to demonstrate RETURNING INTO clause. 123456789101112131415DROP TABLE t1;DROP SEQUENCE t1_seq;CREATE TABLE t1 ( id NUMBER(10), description VARCHAR2(50), CONSTRAINT t1_pk PRIMARY KEY (id));CREATE SEQUENCE t1_seq;INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (t1_seq.nextval,...

转载: CSS Speedrun | Test your CSS Skills 转载: CSS selectors - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN Enter the CSS selector, which applies to all elements with an arrow ⬅️ 123456<ul> <li></li> ⬅️ <li></li>...

转载:.NET Interactive Notebook 基本玩法 我們已經可以在 Azure Data Studio 中使用 Jupyter Notebooks,那麼地表上最強的編輯器 Visual Studio Code 能否支援呢?當然可以,只要安裝 .NET Interactive Notebooks 這個擴充套件,就可以玩 Jupyter Notebooks 囉,來看看 .NET Notebook 怎麼玩吧。 目前 .NET Interactive Notebooks 擴充套件還在預覽階段,但我相信不久就會發布正式版了,現在相關的文件資訊都在 dotnet/interactive...

转载: 一座向四面洞开的草庵 — 俳句小札 故乡呀, 挨着碰着, 都是带刺的花。 - 小林一茶 第一次读到俳句即是这首小林一茶的代表之作。它一下子抓住了我,让我停留了一会儿。我顿时觉得俳句的每一个字都是有重量感的。事实上,吸引我的除了是这首俳句之外,"小林一茶" 这个名字,也是一个会让人稍作停留的名字。首先在直觉上,我感到这首俳句是好的。它让我暂且放弃一个 "写作者" 的立场去读它,纯粹以一个读者的面貌去面对它。 我一个诗友说,俳句是...

# Streamlit The fastest way to build and share data apps. Streamlit turns data scripts into shareable web apps in minutes. All in pure Python. No front‑end experience required. # PyWebIO PyWebIO provides a diverse set of imperative functions to obtain user input and output content on the browser,...

SQL 基础教程 /(日) MICK 著;孙淼,罗勇译. # DISTINCT 和 GROUP BY DISTINCT 和 GROUP BY 子句,都能够删除后续列中的重复数据。除此之外,它们还都会把 NULL 作为一个独立的结果返回。其实不仅处理结果相同,执行速度也基本上差不多(它们都是数据的内部处理,都是通过排序处理来实现的),那么到底应该使用哪一个呢? 这个问题本身就是本末倒置的,我们应该考虑的是该 SELECT 语句是否满足需求。选择的标准其实非常简单,在 “想要删除选择结果中的重复记录” 时使用 DISTINCT,在 “想要计算汇总结果” 时使用 GROUP BY。不使用...