Question In get_item_project_code use ssc_t_edi_head then update it meanwhile will occurs the error: “ORA-04091: table YSC.SSC_T_EDI_HEAD is mutating, trigger/function may not see it”.
function get_item_project_code(p_head_id in varchar2, p_org_id in number) return varchar2 is l_return varchar2(10); begin begin select mci.attribute6 into l_return from mtl_customer_items mci, mtl_customer_item_xrefs mcix, mtl_system_items_b msib, wsh_new_deliveries wnd, wsh_delivery_assignments wda, wsh_delivery_details wdd, hz_cust_site_uses_all hcsua, hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcasa, hz_cust_accounts hca, ssc_t_edi_head seh where1=1 and mci.customer_item_id = mcix.customer_item_id and mci.inactive_flag ='N' and mcix.inventory_item_id = msib.inventory_item_id and mcix.inactive_flag ='N' and msib.segment1 = seh.part_no and wnd.delivery_id = wda.delivery_id and wda.delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id and = seh.delivery_no and wdd.ship_to_site_use_id = hcsua.site_use_id and hcsua.cust_acct_site_id = hcasa.cust_acct_site_id and hcasa.cust_account_id = hca.cust_account_id and hca.cust_account_id = mci.customer_id and seh.head_id = p_head_id and seh.org_id = p_org_id groupby mci.attribute6; exception when others then debug('get_item_project_code error: '|| sqlerrm, 'Y'); l_return :=null; end;
return l_return; end get_item_project_code;
update ssc_t_edi_head sh set sh.item_project_code = get_item_project_code(sh.head_id, sh.customer, sh.org_id) where sh.customer ='CUSTOMER';
--same error update ssc_t_edi_head sh set sh.item_project_code = (select get_item_project_code(sh.head_id, sh.customer, sh.org_id) from dual) where sh.customer ='CUSTOMER';
update ssc_t_edi_head so set so.item_project_code = (select get_item_project_code(sh.head_id, sh.customer, sh.org_id) from ssc_t_edi_head sh where sh.customer ='CUSTOMER' and so.head_id = sh.head_id and so.org_id = sh.org_id) where so.customer ='CUSTOMER';
--ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword with t as (select sh.head_id, sh.org_id, get_item_project_code(sh.head_id, sh.customer, sh.org_id) code from ssc_t_edi_head sh where sh.customer ='CUSTOMER')
update ssc_t_edi_head sh set sh.item_project_code = (select t.code from t where sh.head_id = t.head_id and sh.org_id = t.org_id) where sh.customer ='CUSTOMER';
--same error update ssc_t_edi_head h set h.item_project_code = (with t as (select sh.head_id, sh.org_id, get_item_project_code(sh.head_id, sh.customer, sh.org_id) code from ssc_t_edi_head sh where sh.customer ='CUSTOMER') select t.code from t where t.head_id = h.head_id and t.org_id = h.org_id) where h.customer ='CUSTOMER';
--same error MERGEINTO ssc_t_edi_head dest USING (select sh.head_id, sh.customer, sh.org_id, get_item_project_code(sh.head_id, sh.customer, sh.org_id) item_project_code from ssc_t_edi_head sh where sh.customer ='CUSTOMER') src ON (src.head_id = dest.head_id and src.customer = dest.customer and src.org_id = dest.org_id) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET dest.item_project_code = src.item_project_code WHERE dest.customer ='CUSTOMER';
--ok declare cursor cur_data is select sh.head_id, sh.customer, sh.org_id, get_item_project_code(sh.head_id, sh.customer, sh.org_id) item_project_code from ssc_t_edi_head sh where sh.customer ='CUSTOMER'; begin for c in cur_data loop update ssc_t_edi_head sh set sh.item_project_code = c.item_project_code where sh.head_id = c.head_id and sh.customer = c.customer and sh.org_id = c.org_id; end loop; end;
--ok update ssc_t_edi_head h set h.item_project_code = (with t as (select/*+ materialize */ sh.head_id, sh.org_id, get_item_project_code(sh.head_id, sh.customer, sh.org_id) code from ssc_t_edi_head sh where sh.customer ='CUSTOMER') select t.code from t where t.head_id = h.head_id and t.org_id = h.org_id) where h.customer ='CUSTOMER';
--ok function get_item_project_code(p_head_id in varchar2, p_org_id in number) return varchar2 is l_return varchar2(10); PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; begin begin select mci.attribute6 into l_return from mtl_customer_items mci, mtl_customer_item_xrefs mcix, mtl_system_items_b msib, wsh_new_deliveries wnd, wsh_delivery_assignments wda, wsh_delivery_details wdd, hz_cust_site_uses_all hcsua, hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcasa, hz_cust_accounts hca, ssc_t_edi_head seh where1=1 and mci.customer_item_id = mcix.customer_item_id and mci.inactive_flag ='N' and mcix.inventory_item_id = msib.inventory_item_id and mcix.inactive_flag ='N' and msib.segment1 = seh.part_no and wnd.delivery_id = wda.delivery_id and wda.delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id and = seh.delivery_no and wdd.ship_to_site_use_id = hcsua.site_use_id and hcsua.cust_acct_site_id = hcasa.cust_acct_site_id and hcasa.cust_account_id = hca.cust_account_id and hca.cust_account_id = mci.customer_id and seh.head_id = p_head_id and seh.org_id = p_org_id groupby mci.attribute6; exception when others then debug('get_item_project_code error: '|| sqlerrm, 'Y'); l_return :=null; end;