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HTTP Response Header Content-Disposition
from: atangshare/content-disposition
MDN Content-Disposition
The HTTP Content-Disposition header indicates whether content should be displayed inline in the browser as a web page or part of a web page or downloaded as an attachment locally.
The first parameter in the HTTP context is either inline...
How AS2 Works
repost: How AS2 Works
This guide provides a comprehensive description of the operation of the AS2 protocol.
The high level layout is broken down as follows:
How does AS2 work?
Key components of an AS2 system
Message flow in AS2
# 1 How does AS2 work?
Internal applications, first generate files...
# Email Header
X-Sender: custom field corresponding to the SMTP sender.
X-Receiver: custom field corresponding to the SMTP receivers.
From: sender email address.
To: receiver email address.
Cc: this field is used by the sender to send an email to different people.
Reply-To: If a receiver replies to...
OpenCV Tutorial with Python
From: opencv-course
# Reading Images & Video
12345678910111213141516171819202122232425import cv2 as cv# Reading Image# img = cv.imread('./Resources/Photos/cat.jpg')# img = cv.imread('./Resources/Photos/cat.jpg', cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) # Read as Gray...
Styling Tables the Modern CSS Way
repost: Styling Tables the Modern CSS Way
HTML tables are almost as old as the web itself, and have been used — and abused — for decades. Once upon a time, intrepid web designers hacked together complex layouts using tables, in the absence of other suitable methods. Thankfully that’s no longer...
Command Line Data Processing Using DuckDB as a Unix Tool
repost: Command Line Data Processing: Using DuckDB as a Unix Tool
TL;DR: DuckDB’s CLI client is portable to many platforms and architectures. It handles CSV files conveniently and offers users the same rich SQL syntax everywhere. These characteristics make DuckDB an ideal tool to complement...
WPF Excel to XML
resources: Welcome - The complete WPF tutorial
# Create WPF Project
dotnet new wpf -o ExcelToXML
12345678910111213141516<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"> <PropertyGroup> <OutputType>WinExe</OutputType>...
C# DataTable (How It Works For Developers Tutorial)
repost: C# Datatable (How It Works For Developers Tutorial) | IronPDF
Welcome to this tutorial on C# DataTables. A DataTable is a powerful data structure provided by the .NET framework, which allows you to store, manipulate, and query data in a tabular format. In this tutorial, we will explore the...
How to use IEnumerable, ICollection, IList, and IQueryable in C#
repost: How to use IEnumerable, ICollection, IList, and IQueryable in C# | InfoWorld
The C# programming language provides excellent support for working with collections of data. C# includes several classes and interfaces that can help you query collections of data efficiently. The most commonly...
CRUD Operations in WPF using EntityFrameworkCore and SQLite
repost: CRUD Operations in WPF using EntityFrameworkCore and SQLite
In this blog post, we will discuss how to perform CRUD operations in WPF using EntityFrameworkCore and SQLite as the backend database. We will create a .NET Core WPF application and all the basic Create, Read, Update, and Delete...